sexta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2008

Fertilization of the ovum

Around the 14th day of the cycle increases the likelihood of becoming pregnant as a mature egg is released from one of the ovaries, fully ready to be fertilized. The visitation of life passing through the fallopian tube and follows tube toward the uterus and can survive up to 24 hours.

Hundreds of sperm reach the ovum, after a journey that vai the vagina until the uterine tubes.
At this time the sperm will release an enzyme that will allow one (or more!) Penetrates the cover of protecting the egg. This is the long-awaited moment of fertilization! (images, b)

This egg is split into two cells, just after four .... and continues the process (pictures c, d, e, f) to fall to the uterine tube and reach the uterus (images g, h), then when will consist of 30 cells, called mórula (blackberry in latin). (Pictures i, j)
At this stage, we can say that you are officially pregnant!

The number of cells, called mórula been set in endometrial (uterine lining) (pictures j, k) and as the cells come into the ripening process, form a blastócito - ball of cells filled with liquid - responsible for a series of changes in the body female, including the interruption of the menstrual cycle.

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