sexta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2008

Mental health

Disturbance dismórfico body

The disorder dismórfico body (RCD) is characterized by an excessive concern with a real or imagined defect in the physical appearance of a person. People with DDC have a distorted and exaggerated vision of their appearance and are obsessed with the actual physical characteristics or brands perceived as a certain characteristic facial or imperfections in the skin. In general, they feel ugly or desfigurados. People with the disorder often have problems in controlling the negative thoughts about their appearance, even when other people claim that they are well and that such failures not appear.

This is a type of somatoforme disorder, characterized by physical symptoms that suggest a condition. But a medical evaluation does not reveal any basis for the cause of physical symptoms. The disorder dismórfico body leaves people with excessive anxiety and discomfort, often compromising their social life and their performance in school and at work. People with this disorder may find it difficult to meet new people or making friends because of the fear they have that their appearance may be judged so negative. In severe cases, a person can limit contact with others, to prevent others perceive your physical defect.

The treatment for this disorder may involve a combined approach of drugs and psychotherapy. The drugs used antidepressants with cognitive-behavioral therapy helps people with DDC to deal with obsession and with the anxiety of their appearance, increase confidence in their appearance and get normality in their social and professional lives.

The signs and symptoms of the disorder dismórfico body include:

Comparison of frequent mark or imperfection with the other
It repeatedly checking the appearance of a specific part of the body in the mirror or other reflective surfaces.
Refuse to take photo
Vestem great clothes, wear makeup or hats to hide the imperfeiçao.
They use their hands or are in a position to hide the defect imaginable.
Tocam often the imperfeiçao
Cutucam the skin
They measure the defect often imaginary or exaggerated
Elaboram rituals to fix
They do many searches on the part of the body with the defect
They seek surgery or other medical treatment instead recommendations of doctors who say that the defect is minimal or there and that treatment is not necessary.
They seek reaffirmation of the defect or try to convince others that it is abnormal or excessive.
They avoid social situations in which the brand can be noted.
They feel anxious and autoconscientes on the other (social phobia) because they have the defect imaginary.

People with DDC can leave the school, work or avoid leaving home. In the most serious cases, people with DDC may consider or even try to, suicide.

Auto Care

Some steps can help get more medical care and overcome the disorder dismórfico body:

Follow the programming of medicine
To draw the best out of medicine, it is important to follow the instructions correctly. That means taking the right medication in the dose right, in certain intervals of time, during the prescribed time. The negative effects may result from taking too little or medicine or take little or very often.

Do not skip the sessions of therapy
The therapeutic process can be disappointing and uncomfortable, especially in the beginning. But in a few weeks, the patient begins to have an improvement in symptoms, including relief from suffering, better ability to make decisions, better relationships and new skills to deal with things.

Involve the family
Give them material explaining the DDC and encourage them to join the support groups with the patient. The support groups can be found in the community or the Internet.

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