sexta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2008

Skin of baby

Contrary to what many people think, take care of the baby's skin is very simple.
The difference is that the baby's skin is more immature, more sensitive and open. Only after the second or third year of life is that the skin completely matures, with the development of sweat glands and the immunity and reduction of permeability.

"The area of surface in the weight is more important in the baby," explains Valter Kozmhinsky, chairman of the Department of Dermatology, Scientific Brazilian Society of Pediatrics. Hence, the absorption of substances by the skin of babies is higher.

The thickness is another factor of influence. Both the most superficial layer of skin on the layer of fat are thinner, facilitating, for example, the occurrence of infections and the difference in the regulation of body temperature. The glands are also more immature, which affects several aspects. One is that it becomes more difficult to remove the sweat. "The immaturity in the hypothalamus affects the thermal regulation of the newborn, causing the temperature fluctuate much of the body," explains Kozmhinsky.

The baby's skin is more dry than in children and adolescents. Thus the use of soaps with the pH closer to neutral is very important. The water temperature should be pleasant. "The bath should be a relaxing moment of comfort," says the expert. A tip is to measure the temperature on the back of the hand, to be sure it's appropriate, and give baths quickly.

Even the soap used to wash the head of the child. Ediléia Bagatin, the Department of Dermatology Cosmiátrica the UNIFESP, notes that some newborns have a sebum secretion of hormones influence of maternal, but that babies do not have sebaceous gland.

She recommends use of small quantities of soap, which can be in liquid or bar, always neutral. This prevents the skin irritations. The sponges are dispensable, although they are not contra-indicated: "The contact with the child's mother brings benefits too great," says Bagatin.

The immune system of the newborn baby is immature. Only after three months of age is that they acquire antibodies. Thus, we can say that, only after this stage that is beginning to emerge allergies. Until then, what happens is simple irritation.

The irritations are limited to the area of contact with the skin of substance. They are more localized to allergies. These spread more, with an immunological reaction of hypersensitivity to the skin.

Both problems must be taken to a specialist, a pediatrician or a dermatologist so that he can assess and treat properly. "Nuca treat an allergy or irritation of a way home, or use directly to the pharmacy. Only the doctor can guide the treatment, "warns Ediléia Bagatin, the Department of Dermatology Cosmiátrica the UNIFESP. In case of suspicion that there is a problem, as the appearance of spots, redness, scaling or balls, suspend the use of the substance and take the baby to a specialist.

Perfumes, moisturizing and talcum powders
While the babies have more dry skin, the use of moisturisers should be limited to indicating the pediatrician or dermatologist, in specific cases. That's because if the baby's skin is too dry, it tends to descamar and split, causing dehydration of the skin and increasing the chances of irritation and allergies.

The use of talcum powders to be done with great care so that children do not inhale the substance, which may cause bad for your health.

The ointment used in trading of diaper also need to be dosadas because impermeabilizam the skin, preventing it breathe. The ideal is to talk with the pediatrician on the indication of use.

As for perfume, seek to use them in the clothes of babies, never directly on the skin to avoid irritation.

Bath of sun
The babies must take baths with short sun, and the most appropriate period is the beginning of the morning or late afternoon, so that the heat causes brotoejas and other problems to the skin. The bath of sunshine should last about 15 minutes. Regarding the use of solar filter, it is not recommended for babies younger than 6 months of age. For driblar the sunrays, prefer caps, hats, long pants and long sleeves of blusinhas. The incidence of sun on the hands and feet already will be very beneficial to the baby and meet their needs.

If necessary, you can use insect repellent to divert, if the environment is conducive and the skin is not present wounds. But the best prevention is still the use of clothes that protect the entire body. If the stings can not be avoiding, the pediatrician may recommend the best treatment to be followed.

Winter and summer
In summer, when the weather is warmer, the ideal is that the baby is feeding more light and to encourage the consumption of liquids such as water and teas. The clothes should be light, to facilitate ventilation, and dobrinhas deserve more attention: enxugadas need to be carefully, so they do not show mycoses in place.
In winter, we must take care with fungi, and brotoejas that may arise if the baby is in excess of clothes. Lice and scabies are also problems that deserve attention. The ideal is that the clothes are of cotton, to avoid these problems.

With simplicity we can take care of your baby's skin to keep it always sound and healthy.

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